This service is for the purpose of providing resources and instructions to prevent behavioral challenges from worsening, reduce immediate risks to safety and provide general advice in regard to one specific issue.

The Behavior Helpline is limited to one issue per call and is available on GoogleMeet. You can schedule your Behavior Helpline appointment HERE.

This option might be for you if:

  • you need good resources to move forward but are not in a position to pay for more comprehensive training
  • you just brought home a new dog and you’re overwhelmed
  • you need help selecting the right dog for your family
  • you need help preventing a behavior problem from worsening or posing a safety risk
  • you need support with weeding through confusing advice online
  • you need to talk through a troubling incident with your dog
  • you need help selecting the best Sits n Wiggles training program for your needs

Please note: this service is for the purpose of providing immediate relief, safety instructions and resources for behavior challenges. The Behavior Helpline does not replace a comprehensive behavior consultation and advice given will be general in nature.


For detailed training plans and comprehensive discussion of your dog’s history and behavior, please contact us.