Behavior Modification

Does Lassie bark, snarl, and snap at every guest?

Is Buddy pulling so hard on his leash, it’s almost impossible to walk him?

Does Luna “go crazy” every time she sees someone walk by the house?

Behavior Modification Private Sessions

At Sits 'n Wiggles Dog Training, we understand that every dog is unique, and so are the challenges they face. Our Behavior Modification Private Sessions offer personalized, one-on-one support tailored to your dog’s specific needs.

Specializing in Fear, Anxiety, and Reactivity

Whether your dog struggles with fear, anxiety, stress, over-arousal, or aggression, our expert Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, Valarie Ross is here to help. With years of experience and a compassionate approach grounded in positive reinforcement, Valarie focuses on resolving difficult behaviors while building trust and confidence in your dog.

What You Can Expect:

  • Individualized Training Plans: No two dogs are the same. We’ll create a customized plan based on your dog’s behavior history and your goals.

  • In-Home or Virtual Options: We meet you where you’re comfortable, whether in your home or through a virtual session.

  • Positive Reinforcement Techniques: Our science-based, reward-driven training methods ensure your dog learns in a safe, supportive environment.

  • Guidance for Long-Term Success: You’ll gain the tools and knowledge needed to manage and improve your dog’s behavior well beyond our sessions.

Common Issues We Address:

  • Reactivity toward dogs or people

  • Aggression or resource guarding

  • Excessive barking or chewing

  • Fear of new environments or noises

  • Over-arousal and impulse control

  • Fear or aggression at the vet clinic or groomer

How It Works:

  1. Initial Consultation: We begin with a thorough a virtual assessment of your dog’s behavior and your concerns.

  2. Tailored Training: Based on our assessment, we create a customized training program to address the root causes of your dog’s challenges.

  3. Ongoing Support: Throughout the process, we provide you with practical strategies and hands-on coaching, ensuring your dog’s success in the real world.

Why Choose Us?

Founded in 2015, Sits 'n Wiggles Dog Training has been transforming lives through effective, compassionate training. We’re dedicated to helping your dog overcome challenges and live a happier, more relaxed life.